When decorating a space start by choosing furnishings that will fit your family’s needs. Will children use this space? Will pets play here? These are important things to consider when beginning the design process. Another important aspect of the design process is doing your homework. Most designers will want to see any photos you've saved from your favorite design magazines or Pinterest boards. These images will help tell a story of what you like and what your room should be.

Once you have your design needs and inspirations down, it is very important to think about the scale of the furniture and how it will fit into your space. If a sofa is too big or too small it will look awkward and out of place. This is why the design professionals at Willis Furniture will sketch out your space on graph paper to ensure the proper scale. As a general rule, it's best to always match furniture's scale to the room's overall scale.

Lastly, your room should reflect your style. In fact, designers consider their work a success when clients say a room feels like their own. You can achieve this by adding in items like family heirlooms, antiques, original art, and items collected from your travels.  For more tips and ideas - contact one of our designers today and we will help guide and coordinate with you to create the perfect space!