Drive Thru Coronavirus Testing Locations Around Hampton Roads

Local Restaurant Database for Delivery/Pickup/Takeout

 Support Local Businesses

Purchase an e-gift card. Small efforts like this can significantly help support local businesses.

Share your favorite local business pages. Get the word out on your social media. Perhaps family, friends, and online followers may consider buying from local businesses as well.

Say thanks. Send messages of appreciation to local businesses and show some support during this challenging time.

Family Fun

·        Botanical Gardens Lego Exhibit Still Open

·        30 Day Lego Challenge

·        Online Lego Fun

·        Free Audible Books for Kids

·        Take a Master Class!

·        Virtually Visit the Wonders of the World

·        E-visit the Louvre

·Transport you and your family to Paris, France by taking a digital tour of one of the most famous   international museums, the Louvre.

·        Watch the beluga whales at the Georgia Aquarium

·        Story Line Online

·        Movie or show marathon. Now is the time to watch everything you have missed out on or avoided.

·        Visit Mars

·        Game Night with Friends on Zoom

·        Create Your Own Drive in Movies at Home along with your friends

·        Take a virtual field trip to Yellowstone National Park

·        Virtually visit the Mud Volcano, Mammoth Hot Springs, and so much more with a digital field trip to Yellowstone.

·        Build a pillow fort. Get the pillows, chairs, sofas, and sheets together, make some popcorn and have a movie night.

·        Read a book together. Do popcorn reading with the family giving each other turns to read different parts.

·        Scavenger hunt. Give some clues to find the ultimate prize. Stash some good treats around the house and backyard.

·        Paint a canvas or the walls in your house. Get a canvas, find some inspiration and do a beautiful bold painting to add a colorful touch to your home. Bob Ross paint night is definitely a fun option. If not a canvas, perhaps it’s finally time to paint that feature wall or change up the color in your living room.

·        Family photo day. If everyone’s home so why not have a picture day at home? Print the photos and add them to an album. Dress up in fun outfits, strike some poses, and don’t forget the props.

·        Have an indoor picnic- Grab a sheet, whatever food you have, and enjoy a living room picnic (without the ants). You can even play that memory game at the same time: “I’m going to a picnic and I’m bringing…” Each person takes turns remembering (in order) what everyone is bringing and then adds one thing each turn.

·        Runway ready. Have a family fashion show.

·        Get grooving! Who’s got the best moves? Put it to the test with a dance party.

·        Start a giant puzzle. Putting together 1000 pieces will be sure to keep you occupied.

Have a Little One Sad they are Missing Their Field Trip?

Plan a virtual visit in the meantime!

·        Jamestown, VA

·        Planetarium

·        Williamsburg, VA

·        Virginia Air and Space Museum

Get Active at a Social Distance

·       Botanical Gardens Lego Exhibit Still Open

·       8 Family Friendly Hikes

·       Beach Walks- Check the Live Beach Cams First!

·       One Peloton Free Trial

·       Planet Fitness Live Streaming Workout Videos on Facebook Daily at 7pm.

·       Orangetheory- is uploading a new at-home workout routine video to its YouTube channel every day. The videos feature exercises that use items you can find around the house, such as plant pots and coffee jugs, so there is no need for expensive gym equipment.

·       24 Hour Fitness- is offering its app user’s access to the premium features for free, which include audio coaching and Les Mills classes. Additionally, 24 Hour Fitness is extending memberships for the amount of time that its gyms remain closed.

·       One Life Fitness - Check out their at-home and outdoor fitness workouts so you can stay fit and active until they reopen.